«Slavic World in the Third Millennium» is an interdisciplinary yearbook, which is published by the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the Slavic Foundation of Russia and the State Academy of Slavic Culture, since 2007. The yearbook annually calls for papers dealing with history, language, folklore and literature, culture and religion of the Slavic peoples.
Each new volume has a specific subtitle announced at the beginning of the calendar year. Authors are encouraged to adjust their papers to the pre-announced problematic. At the same time, there are traditional sections, such as «From the history of Slavic Studies», «War in the destiny of Slavic peoples», «Literature and culture of Slavic peoples», «Literature and folklore of the Slavs and their neighbours», «Relevant problems of the Slavic linguistics», «Book-reviews», «Discussion Platform – research projects» and so forth.
The deadline for submission of papers is March 1. Maximal length of an article is 20 000 characters (with spaces, including footnotes), of a book-review – 8 000 characters (with spaces, no footnotes).
The citation rules (as recommend in the ГОСТ Р 7.0.11–2011) are to be strictly observed.
Email: orbis.slavici@gmail.com
Publication in the year-book is free-of-charge.