За книгу "Патроны, слуги и друзья. Русско-украинские неформальные связи и управление Гетманщиной в 1700–1760-х гг." М.А. Киселев, К.А. Кочегаров, Я.А. Лазарев Американской ассоциацией русских исследований восемнадцатого века (ECRSA) удостоены Премии им. М. Раева за исключительные и значимые книги по истории Российской империи
В 2022 г. на Премию были выдвинуты 16 книг из России, США и Европы. В своем решении комитет Премии отметил:
The state, Marc Raeff argued in The Well-Ordered Police State, is “the institutional outcome of the actions of many individuals (and not only rulers) in the pursuit of specific values and goals.”
In this major monograph, Mikhail Kiselev, Kirill Kochegarov, and Iakov Lazarev show that the pursuit of individual advantage by both Russian and Ukrainian elites led ultimately to the complete absorption of the Ukrainian Hetmanate into the Russian Empire. These elites sought to cement their control over Ukrainian lands and peasants as well as their own integration into a broader pan-imperial aristocracy. Rather than pursuing a thoroughly planned-out colonial policy, the authors show, Russian rulers shaped their policies in the Hetmanate in response to the grasping aspirations of grandees like Kirill Razumovskii. In tracing the role of informal relationships, patronage politics, and elite competition in the making of the Russian Empire, Patrony, slugi i druz’ia builds on decades of scholarship but brings a fresh methodological perspective to this crucial historical episode—along with a vast trove of archival sources, five hundred pages of which are published here as an appendix.